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Islam – (Pronunciation) ISSLAAM) [Noun] The name given to the system that the Creator has sent to His creation in order to find peace & tranquillity in this life and the next. The root word is Salaam meaning peace A Complete Way of Life

Islam is not a religion – it is a complete way of life and the ones who adheres to this system or way of life is known as Muslim (Active Participle) pronounced (MUSS-SLIM) literally meaning, the one who follows, obeys or adheres to the system of Islam in order to attain peace & tranquillity in this life and the next, sometimes giving up his or her desires in submission that our creator knows best.

Muslims not only must they obey the law of the land, but they must also obey the code of conduct set out clearly for them in Islam if they are true to God Almighty., there is no such thing as None Practicing Muslim, this is a term coined recently by people who have been born in a Muslim household and believe that Muslim is something that they can inherit. Clearly a misunderstanding.

Muslim (Pronunciation /ˈMUSS-SLIM ) [Active Participle]

The one who follows the system of Islam to the best of their ability, understanding, knowledge, willingly, consciously and in accordance to their skillset.

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