If I divorce my wife according to the Law of the Country

My husband is claiming that the Sharia Council is has no value
February 11, 2025
I want to marry 4 wives
February 26, 2025

We often receive calls asking us If I divorce my wife according to the Law of the Country in court would it also be classed as a divorce Islamically, the short answer is YES you would be divorced Islamically too.

The reason for this is that you cannot base your relationship on a lie, The Prophet SAW said that my ummah will commit any sin but my Ummah will NEVER LIE, so from this ahadith we understand that if we dare to call our selves MUSLIM (Submitters to Allah, Followers of Islam) as a VERB, then we would agree that if we lie we can potentially fall outside of the fold of Islam, we need to be made aware of this.

Secondly, we cannot mock the Laws of Allah (use them to our own benefit as and when it suits us) or pick and choose the laws of Allah SWT when it benefits us and reject other areas.

There is also the issue of the Law of the country, by doing this you would be committing fraud, you would be lying to the authorities in order to  attain your second wife’s’ VISA to enter the country. It has to be accepted that Islam does not allow you to commit fraud and use Islam as your excuse.

So we urge all people who dare to call them selves Muslim NOT to do this in order to try and fulfil your desires of a second wife.

The verse of the Quran is very clear  from Nisa Verse Number 3

If you fear you might fail to give orphan women their ˹due˺ rights ˹if you were to marry them˺, then marry other women of your choice—two, three, or four. But if you are afraid you will fail to maintain justice, then ˹content yourselves with˺ one. This way you are less likely to commit injustice.

Although the desire for having Multiple Wives may be a huge temptation but we urge you all to read the verse in context rather than with our own narrow objectives.

Jazakh Allah Khairun


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