My husband is claiming that the Sharia Council is has no value

Different type of Islamic Divorces
October 29, 2024
If I divorce my wife according to the Law of the Country
February 12, 2025

This question is often asked by sisters seeking a khula, however we need to remind people that khula (dissolving of an Islamic marriage (Nikah) by a 3rd Party) can be completed by anyone who knows the process, just like anyone can lead the salah, anyone can perform a nikah, anyone can lead the janazah as there is no clergy system in Islam, in fact Allah SWT renders all of human kind as equals, it is Man that creates division, factions and classes.

As long as the Muslim person or people have the correct understanding of the process, even the brides father can undergo the khula for his daughter.

This could be any Islamic scholar, Imam, Sheikh, Maulana even Mufti, it could be just the one or many.

Even if it is a student of knowledge as most genuine scholars, Muftis, Sheikhs and Imams call them selves in todays times and historical times, as did The Great Scholars like Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafii, Imam Ahmed Ibn Humbal and Imam Malik.

True Scholars even today would refer to themselves as Students of Knowledge and NOT Grand Mufti’s of stature, this is the true essence of humbling one self in front of the mighty deen of Allah as HIS humble servants.

Further to this in todays society as the seek for attaining knowledge is not seen as desirable The Islamic Sharia Council can assist with making the knowledge available for you to learn.

We try to empower people in learning the deen of Allah rather than providing yes or now answers, so that people understand how we came to the decision that we offered.

We always advocate that people learn how decisions are reached rather than just the decision so that know the process correctly.

Anything further on this matter please do contact us on

Our Organisation has also been working closely with Rochdale Council of Mosques and is mentioned on their respective website you can click below to find out more

Jazakh Allah Khairun


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